Beautiful Frenzy
Documentary about the legendary Dutch band The Ex. The film (52 min.) had its premiere at the IDFA (https://www.idfa.nl/en/film/341bc97b-a49e-41f3-9f0b-cb714ec7262b/beautiful-frenzy) documentary film festival in 2001. So far it has been screened on more than 30 film festivals world wide. An honor! Somebody uploaded a (pretty bad…) copy on YouTube, here is a link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR-RzWGoOys

Beautiful Frenzy was made together with Christina Hallström, with whom I run CUT productions with between 2000-2017 (r.i.p), https://cutproduction.wordpress.com/ And here is a link to Christinas site: http://christinahallstrom.blogspot.com/

But the film is still for sale with 90 minutes of extras (!) on DVD through The Ex mailorder shop: https://exmailorder.nl/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=27&product_id=192