Title series: The black and white Polaroid series material/technic: Polaroid photography, year: 2023-ongoing
The black and white Polaroid series started in 2023 when I realized that Polaroid had brought a new black and white film to the market. First it was a flirt with the medium, born out of curiosity. But then I got seduced by this film, by the beautiful grey tones and the raw blackness. It had something special that made me want to experiment and to play with it. I took the camera with me whenever I went outside, into nature and into the wild, to capture flowers, trees and reflections of water. That is: the wilder side of the city of Amsterdam.
I continued working on this series for 4 seasons and returned to the Beatrixpark, the Amstelpark, the Amsterdamse Bos, and Hortus Botanicus. And I started to experiment with double and triple exposures, all possible with this new camera. The more I experimented, the more I got into it. The challenge was to make a creative composition, where light and sometimes abstract lines came together in an appealing image.
This is a selection of The black and white Polaroid series, scanned (the original images are 7,5 x 7,5 cm) and digitalized on high resolution.